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English Reported Speech - Exercises, Examples, and Tables for Kids

Reported speech in English is a crucial grammatical concept that involves relaying what someone else has said. This summary covers key aspects of reported speech including changes in tenses, pronouns, and time expressions, as well as how to report questions.

  • Tenses typically shift backwards in time (e.g., Present Simple to Past Simple)
  • Pronouns and possessive adjectives change to reflect the new speaker
  • Time and place expressions are adjusted to fit the new context
  • Questions in reported speech follow specific rules and structural changes



Reported Speech: Key Elements and Changes

Reported speech, also known as indirect speech, involves significant changes to various elements of the original statement. This page outlines the primary modifications required when converting direct speech to reported speech in English.

Grammatical Tense Changes

When reporting speech, tenses typically shift backwards in time. Here are the main tense transformations:

  • Present Simple becomes Past Simple
  • Present Continuous changes to Past Continuous
  • Present Perfect shifts to Past Perfect
  • Past Simple transforms into Past Perfect
  • Future Simple changes to "would + infinitive"

Example: "I am studying" (Present Continuous) becomes "She said she was studying" (Past Continuous) in reported speech.

Modal Verb Adjustments

Modal verbs also undergo changes in reported speech:

  • "Can" becomes "could"
  • "Should" and "may" remain the same
  • "Must" changes to "had to"

Highlight: It's important to note that "should" and "may" do not change in reported speech, maintaining their original form.

Pronoun and Possessive Changes

Personal pronouns, possessive pronouns, and possessive adjectives often need adjustment to reflect the new perspective of the reported speech.

Example: "This is my book" might become "She said that was her book" in reported speech.

Time and Place Expression Modifications

Expressions of time and place are adapted to fit the context of the reported speech:

  • "Now" becomes "then" or "at that time"
  • "Today" changes to "that day"
  • "Tomorrow" shifts to "the next day" or "the following day"
  • "Yesterday" becomes "the previous day" or "the day before"
  • "Tonight" changes to "that night"
  • "Last week" becomes "the previous week" or "the week before"
  • "Next week" changes to "the following week" or "next week"
  • "Three days ago" becomes "three days before" or "three days earlier"
  • "Here" changes to "there"

Vocabulary: "Ago" in time expressions is typically replaced with "before" or "earlier" in reported speech to maintain the correct temporal relationship.

W mowie zależnej ulegają zmianie następujące elementy:
4 Czasy gramatyczne
Present Simple -> Past Simple
Present Contiunou

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Reported Speech: Examples and Questions

This page provides practical examples of reported speech and explains how to handle questions in indirect speech.

Examples of Reported Speech

Let's examine some examples to illustrate the application of reported speech rules:

  1. Direct: "Lucy isn't coming with me." Reported: Eve said (that) Lucy wasn't coming with her.

  2. Direct: "I have been to Venice." Reported: Eve said (that) she had been to Venice.

Example: Notice how the tenses change (Present Continuous to Past Continuous, Present Perfect to Past Perfect) and pronouns adjust ("me" to "her", "I" to "she") in these reported speech examples.

Reporting Questions

Questions require special attention when converted to reported speech. Key points to remember:

  • Introductory verbs for reported questions include "ask," "want to know," and "wonder."
  • The structure of the reported question changes to that of a statement.
  • The same elements change as in reporting statements (tenses, pronouns, time expressions).

Example: Direct question: "What have you done?" Reported question: She asked me what I had done.

Highlight: In reported speech questions, the word order changes from question format to statement format, and the auxiliary verb (if present) is placed after the subject.

Definition: Reported speech or indirect speech is a way of expressing the content of statements, questions, or other utterances, without quoting them explicitly.

Vocabulary: "Introductory verbs" are the verbs used to introduce reported speech, such as "say," "tell," "ask," or "wonder."

This comprehensive guide to reported speech in English provides essential information for mastering this important grammatical concept. Practice with various reported speech exercises and examples to solidify your understanding and improve your English language skills.

W mowie zależnej ulegają zmianie następujące elementy:
4 Czasy gramatyczne
Present Simple -> Past Simple
Present Contiunou

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