Personal data is information that can identify an individual. This includes names, addresses, identification numbers, and other unique identifiers. Understanding personal data is crucial for privacy protection and compliance with data protection regulations like GDPR.
Key points about personal data:
• Dane osobowe przykłady (examples of personal data) include name, address, phone number, email, social security number, and biometric data
• Czy PESEL to dane osobowe (Is PESEL personal data?) - Yes, a PESEL number is considered personal data in Poland
• Co to są dane osobowe RODO (What is personal data under GDPR?) - Any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person
• Dane osobowe wrażliwe (Sensitive personal data) requires extra protection and includes information on race, religion, health, sexual orientation, etc.
• Czy adres to dane osobowe (Is an address personal data?) - Yes, a physical address is considered personal data
• Ochrona danych osobowych (Personal data protection) is regulated by laws like GDPR to safeguard individual privacy rights