


formy wypracowań/forms of writing (essay, article, report, zasady) - język angielski







WRITING AN ESSAY Corona oguma) in
present the topic
-The issue/problem of...
provide a background appears to have always

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Rejestrując się akceptujesz Warunki korzystania z usługi i Politykę prywatności.

WRITING AN ESSAY Corona oguma) in
present the topic
-The issue/problem of...
provide a background appears to have always

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Zarejestruj się, aby uzyskać nieograniczony dostęp do tysięcy notatek. To nic nie kosztuje!

Dostęp do wszystkich materiałów

Dołącz do milionów studentów

Popraw swoje oceny

Rejestrując się akceptujesz Warunki korzystania z usługi i Politykę prywatności.

WRITING AN ESSAY Corona oguma) in
present the topic
-The issue/problem of...
provide a background appears to have always

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Zarejestruj się, aby uzyskać nieograniczony dostęp do tysięcy notatek. To nic nie kosztuje!

Dostęp do wszystkich materiałów

Dołącz do milionów studentów

Popraw swoje oceny

Rejestrując się akceptujesz Warunki korzystania z usługi i Politykę prywatności.

WRITING AN ESSAY Corona oguma) in
present the topic
-The issue/problem of...
provide a background appears to have always

Zarejestruj się

Zarejestruj się, aby uzyskać nieograniczony dostęp do tysięcy notatek. To nic nie kosztuje!

Dostęp do wszystkich materiałów

Dołącz do milionów studentów

Popraw swoje oceny

Rejestrując się akceptujesz Warunki korzystania z usługi i Politykę prywatności.

WRITING AN ESSAY Corona oguma) in
present the topic
-The issue/problem of...
provide a background appears to have always

Zarejestruj się

Zarejestruj się, aby uzyskać nieograniczony dostęp do tysięcy notatek. To nic nie kosztuje!

Dostęp do wszystkich materiałów

Dołącz do milionów studentów

Popraw swoje oceny

Rejestrując się akceptujesz Warunki korzystania z usługi i Politykę prywatności.

WRITING AN ESSAY Corona oguma) in • INTRODUCTION present the topic -The issue/problem of... provide a background appears to have always been " State a thesis There has been a lot of ausscussion about " 4/ Public opinion has always been divided. Many people believe that.. Nowoday's almost everyone... ARGUMENTS • topic sentence-includes an opinion or the con -trelung raea (main point) • Supporting sentences conducing sentences - drawing together an. nouas roused in the paragraph all the The main / first / most important advantage is " Another major ousadvantage is" The opponents of claim. - In addition/Furthermore/Moreover Besides Also, Apart from this. Therefore/As a result. Consequently, Subsequen tly " Nowevery Nevertheless/Contrary to In spite of/ Despite the fact that. For anstance/Such as • BODY • arguments and their analysis. • only one moun point per paragraph. • out of the arguments must relate to the thesis stated • usually two up to three arguments. •comanisms of mos and cons in curing to each point CONCLUSION the together the main ores and cons present the matter of the arguments • Anush with a suitable roleom proverb In conclusion/Jaking everything into account? Noving considered both sides. -Je Seems/As far as I'm concerned/Undermoar cumstances will y Nape for the best, but prepare for the worst" Better late than never" A picture is worth more a thousand Horas" There's mo place like home" Practice make sperfect" Actions speak louder than words" T WRITING AN ARTICLE TITLE • has to be eye-cathing, must attract the readers' attention •...

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must suggest the theme of the article BODY should comes in two to three paragraphs anun Ing to two of the issues given in the task. every single paragraph should include a contro- - lingon gºraed (main point) and supporting senten ces (further description of the main point), as well as concluding sentences it can serve as a form of any other formal wint -ing and is structure (eg essay or review). On one hand the other hand?" H U People dten claim that / It is often claimed... 1 Anyone wishing to should." INTRODUCTION define the topic to be covered and keeps the readers' attention - Have you ever wondered...? If the answer is (yes) you should •,, If you want a different kind of experience.. « Nokiadays a very popuuar topic is 4 4 According to the latest research data J CONCLUSION the together the main points cuready made ear- - her in the paragraphs • give a particular conclusion on the theme st- I in the introduction - Mopefully / What will the future of be 2/Pecha ps in the future. 10 FORMAL AND SEMI-FORMAL WRITING FORMAL (repants and proposals) INTRODUCTION # The main purpose of /aim of this (report) is to Outure This report looks at." MAKING RECOMMENDATIONS/CONCLUDING It is clear / with regard to: /The general view! public seems to be.. # " #t 1. In the light of / It would be a good idea to " -- It would be more advisable/ practical to /A more spacious idea would be the solution VAR effective way of.." -To improve the situation, we recommend" "In the short / long term, we suggest you should consider... 14 To sum up/ conclude. - I hope that the plan recommendations owne- mual presented in this (report) meets with your ap prevall will receive your serious considuration.. STYLE - do not use contractions ( short forms) • use passive forms whennever possible • use relative causes to join / sentences/ideas, he lived was full leg The perion during tchsh uchun of in cartarnity • use only formal and sophisticated vocabula -ry, eg. like such, a lot of a large mume or of a great amount of a lot smelcantly/a ham ancamy • Quand using words, thing or something etc, use more spean comes such as subjects, problems situations solutions. •SEMI-FORMAL (reviells and articles) i ADRESSING THE READER 11 - If you have a few hours to spare Doesn't u just make everyone feel positive about?" GIVING YOUR OPINION people/popular with " j X is intended for It ha's dearly been a good idea to GIVING PRACTICAL INFORMATION # • Anyone wishing to (apply) should. ( ) offers provides a great range of..." STYLE • don't mit the subject promoun (in eg passive) • however, do not use unnecessary subuit premains • make sure that the subject and the verb cooperate OTHER USEFUL WORDS AND PHRASES AGREEMENT: Share the view, that, there is widespr -ead agreement, it is widely accepted that DISAGREEMENT: 0mmions duffer about, there has been a great deal of controversy.. ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES: benefit, advanta des dearly owweigh the disadvantages To CAUSE lead to bring about, give risie, trigger, contribu te to be responsible for EFFECT ampace/influence on implications EMPHASIZING Stress that, it is worth bearing in mind, that play a vital party crucial role it is essention PROBLEMS issue, challenge, difficulty, bouble set= -back, obstacle, dilemma, vicious arde, complication • INCREASE go up, grow, expand double triple quidraple growth. ADMIRE respect Look up to think highly of, have a high opinion of highly regarala/ respected •BORING any tecuous, monotonous. PLACES breathtaking, inspiring, spectacular spotless, unpleasant unsignity, hideous, filthy... NEW latest, innovative OLD: outdatea, obsolete. SUITABLE proper appropriate, be suited to AND as well as in addition to furthermore, moreover OR: alternatively, on the ome/ other hana. • IF as long as, em concution that provided (that) DECREASE go down, fall, arep, declne (in)... ADVANCED Soprusticated, high-tech.. •SURPRISING unbelieveable, astonishing, star -ggiring, come as a shock / surprise, amare.. E EXCITING throwing, gripping, exhilarating- • PEOPLE auractive, goca-locking, striking, Stunning IN BAD CONDITION dilapidated, run-down, ne- gledea deprivated VERY absolutely, extremety, highly increas- ·bly remarkable, significantly COMPARISONS a great deal farl much, a but I sughtly / barely, by farleasuy the (best) BECAUSE as since thanks to, due to, ONling to (the fact that) WRITING A REPORT TITLE • it should be relevant and eye-cathing. BODY each paragraph requires a heading.. consists in to up to three paragraphs, each considering a separate issue • there should be visible and obvious unks beth- -een the paragraphs. It should be considered/ It is worth conside -ming INTRODUCTION o explain the purpose of the report • outune what are you going to write about / describe il -The aum/purpose of this report is to examine 11 It will also include/suggest/consider The report is based on CONCLUSION the together all of the points suggestions made earlier in the paragraphs Seconcly/Furthermore/ Moreover." Lastly / Finally. " In fact /According to 4. The future remains bleak/uncertain/promising..."Proviard that these recommendations will be tar I would strongly recommend that.. -ken into consideration.... #f o unclude your ultimate conclusion / recommendar - tion Coupemaing on the topic sometimes even ope-