


Ciekawe fakty o kinematyce i ruchu: Przyszłość mierzona wektorami!




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Zośka (nie)samośka



Kinematyka - klasa 1

Ciekawe fakty o kinematyce i ruchu: Przyszłość mierzona wektorami!

A comprehensive guide to kinematyka i niepewność pomiarowa covering fundamental concepts of kinematics, measurement uncertainty, and motion types including ruch jednostajnie przyspieszony i opóźniony.

  • Introduces physical quantities and their measurement, emphasizing the importance of measurement uncertainty in scientific observations
  • Explores the concept of relative motion and distinguishes between wektory i skalarne wielkości fizyczne
  • Details uniform and non-uniform motion, including acceleration and deceleration
  • Presents mathematical formulas for calculating velocity, acceleration, and distance in various types of motion



Ciekawe fakty o kinematyce i ruchu: Przyszłość mierzona wektorami!




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Zośka (nie)samośka



Kinematyka - klasa 1

Page 2: Vector and Scalar Quantities in Motion

This page delves into the distinction between vector and scalar quantities, focusing on uniform and non-uniform motion. It explains how velocity changes in different types of motion and introduces the concept of acceleration.

Definition: Vector quantities possess four characteristics: point of application, direction, sense, and magnitude. Examples include velocity and displacement.

Highlight: In uniform motion, equal distances are covered in equal time intervals, and instantaneous velocity equals average velocity.

Example: The acceleration formula a = |Δv|/t demonstrates how velocity changes over time in uniformly accelerated motion.

Vocabulary: Uniform motion - motion where velocity remains constant over time.

Ciekawe fakty o kinematyce i ruchu: Przyszłość mierzona wektorami!




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Zośka (nie)samośka



Kinematyka - klasa 1

Page 3: Uniformly Accelerated and Decelerated Motion

This page covers the mathematical relationships in uniformly accelerated and decelerated motion, providing formulas for calculating velocity, acceleration, and distance. It also defines important concepts like path and trajectory.

Definition: Path (tor ruchu) is the line traced by a moving object in space, while distance (droga) is the length of the path traveled.

Example: For uniformly accelerated motion starting from rest (v₀ = 0), the distance formula s = ½at² applies.

Highlight: The equations v = v₀ ± at and s = v₀t ± ½at² are fundamental for calculating motion parameters.

Vocabulary: Uniformly accelerated motion - motion where velocity increases at a constant rate Uniformly decelerated motion - motion where velocity decreases at a constant rate.

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Ciekawe fakty o kinematyce i ruchu: Przyszłość mierzona wektorami!

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Zośka (nie)samośka



6 Obserwujących


A comprehensive guide to kinematyka i niepewność pomiarowa covering fundamental concepts of kinematics, measurement uncertainty, and motion types including ruch jednostajnie przyspieszony i opóźniony.

  • Introduces physical quantities and their measurement, emphasizing the importance of measurement uncertainty in scientific observations
  • Explores the concept of relative motion and distinguishes between wektory i skalarne wielkości fizyczne
  • Details uniform and non-uniform motion, including acceleration and deceleration
  • Presents mathematical formulas for calculating velocity, acceleration, and distance in various types of motion








HIELKOŚĆ FIZYCZNA - cecha lub właściwość ciała fizycznego lub
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Rejestrując się akceptujesz Warunki korzystania z usługi i Politykę prywatności.

Page 2: Vector and Scalar Quantities in Motion

This page delves into the distinction between vector and scalar quantities, focusing on uniform and non-uniform motion. It explains how velocity changes in different types of motion and introduces the concept of acceleration.

Definition: Vector quantities possess four characteristics: point of application, direction, sense, and magnitude. Examples include velocity and displacement.

Highlight: In uniform motion, equal distances are covered in equal time intervals, and instantaneous velocity equals average velocity.

Example: The acceleration formula a = |Δv|/t demonstrates how velocity changes over time in uniformly accelerated motion.

Vocabulary: Uniform motion - motion where velocity remains constant over time.

HIELKOŚĆ FIZYCZNA - cecha lub właściwość ciała fizycznego lub
procesu, którą możemy zmierzyć i wyrazić za pomocą liczby i jednost

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Rejestrując się akceptujesz Warunki korzystania z usługi i Politykę prywatności.

Page 3: Uniformly Accelerated and Decelerated Motion

This page covers the mathematical relationships in uniformly accelerated and decelerated motion, providing formulas for calculating velocity, acceleration, and distance. It also defines important concepts like path and trajectory.

Definition: Path (tor ruchu) is the line traced by a moving object in space, while distance (droga) is the length of the path traveled.

Example: For uniformly accelerated motion starting from rest (v₀ = 0), the distance formula s = ½at² applies.

Highlight: The equations v = v₀ ± at and s = v₀t ± ½at² are fundamental for calculating motion parameters.

Vocabulary: Uniformly accelerated motion - motion where velocity increases at a constant rate Uniformly decelerated motion - motion where velocity decreases at a constant rate.

HIELKOŚĆ FIZYCZNA - cecha lub właściwość ciała fizycznego lub
procesu, którą możemy zmierzyć i wyrazić za pomocą liczby i jednost

Zarejestruj się, aby zobaczyć notatkę. To nic nie kosztuje!

Dostęp do wszystkich materiałów

Popraw swoje oceny

Dołącz do milionów studentów

Rejestrując się akceptujesz Warunki korzystania z usługi i Politykę prywatności.

Page 1: Introduction to Kinematics and Physical Quantities

This page introduces fundamental concepts in kinematics and measurement. Physical quantities are defined as measurable properties of physical bodies or processes that can be expressed through numbers and units. The page emphasizes the importance of measurement uncertainty in scientific observations.

Definition: A physical quantity is a characteristic or property of a physical body or process that can be measured and expressed using numbers and units.

Highlight: Every measurement contains an inherent uncertainty, known as measurement uncertainty. In school measurements, this is typically taken as the smallest division on the measuring instrument's scale.

Example: The formula X = Xₐᵥₑ + ΔX represents a measurement with its uncertainty.

Vocabulary: Relative motion - the concept that an object's motion depends on the chosen frame of reference.

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