The Thirty Years' War (1618-1648) was one of Europe's most devastating religious and political conflicts, fundamentally reshaping the continent's power dynamics.
- The war emerged from multiple causes including the przyczyny wojny trzydziestoletniej (causes of the Thirty Years' War) such as political rivalry between France and the Habsburgs, and religious tensions between Catholics and Protestants
- The conflict was divided into four distinct periods: Czech (1618-1624), Danish (1624-1629), Swedish (1630-1635), and French (1635-1648)
- The skutki pokoju westfalskiego (effects of the Peace of Westphalia) in 1648 significantly altered European political landscape, establishing new territorial boundaries and religious freedoms
- The defenestracja praska 1618 (Prague Defenestration) marked the beginning of the conflict, demonstrating the severe religious tensions of the era