


How to Write a For and Against Essay in English: Examples and Tips







<h2 id="forandagainstessaystructure">For and Against Essay Structure</h2>
<p>A for and against essay consists of 4 paragraphs.</p>
<h2 id="k

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For and Against Essay Structure

A for and against essay consists of 4 paragraphs.

Key Phrases

When introducing one side of the argument, it is often or sometimes argued that. Some people maintain, hold, or believe that. There is a strong case for.

When listing arguments, one argument in favor of or against is presented. Another compelling reason for is provided. The reasoning can be explained through various phrases such as "to begin with," "in the first place," and "last but not least."

When introducing a similar point, phrases like "similarly," "by the same token," "likewise," "in the same way," and "equally" can be used.

When introducing an opposing point, you can use phrases like "by contrast," "alternatively," "on the other hand," and others.

Thesis Statement

Many people believe or claim that…

Arguments in Favor

To begin with, it is often argued that… One argument in favor of this approach is that… By the same token, last but not least…

Arguments Against

By contrast, it can be argued that… The reasoning is as follows… In the first place, secondly, thirdly…

Summary and Opinion

Overall, I am convinced that the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. To sum up, as far as I am concerned…

It is simply unthinkable to use "she/he/it," so the passive voice or "it is said" should be used instead.

The word limit for this essay is 200-250 words.

Podsumowanie - Język angielski

  • For and against essay consists of 4 paragraphs
  • Key phrases are used to introduce one side of the argument
  • Arguments in favor and against are presented
  • Overall summary and opinion are given at the end
  • The word limit for the essay is 200-250 words
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Wrzucone przez Zuzia

3 Obserwujących


Często zadawane pytania na temat Język angielski

Q: What are the key phrases that can be used when introducing one side of the argument in a for and against essay?

A: Key phrases when introducing one side of the argument include 'often or sometimes argued that', 'some people maintain, hold, or believe that', and 'there is a strong case for'.

Q: What are the key phrases that can be used when listing arguments in a for and against essay?

A: Key phrases when listing arguments include 'in favor of or against', 'to begin with', 'in the first place', 'last but not least', 'similarly', 'by the same token', 'likewise', 'in the same way', and 'equally'.

Q: What is the suggested thesis statement for a for and against essay?

A: The suggested thesis statement is 'Many people believe or claim that...'.

Q: What are some phrases that can be used when introducing an opposing point in a for and against essay?

A: Phrases that can be used when introducing an opposing point include 'by contrast', 'alternatively', 'on the other hand', and others.

Q: What is the word limit for a for and against essay?

A: The word limit for a for and against essay is 200-250 words.

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