



Najważniejsze Czasowniki Nieregularne Angielski PDF - Tabela do Druku
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Najważniejsze Czasowniki Nieregularne Angielski PDF - Tabela do Druku

Here is the SEO-optimized summary in English:

Irregular Verbs in English: A comprehensive guide to essential irregular verbs, their forms, and usage.

  • This document provides a tabela czasowników nieregularnych angielski (table of irregular English verbs).
  • It lists common irregular verbs with their infinitive, past simple, and past participle forms.
  • The guide is useful for students learning podstawowe czasowniki nieregularne angielski (basic irregular English verbs).



Irregular Verbs Table

This page presents a tabela czasowników nieregularnych angielski PDF (table of irregular English verbs in PDF format). The table is organized into four columns: Translation, Infinitive, Past Simple, and Past Participle. It covers najważniejsze czasowniki nieregularne angielski (the most important irregular English verbs) that students need to learn.

Highlight: The table format makes it easy for learners to compare different verb forms at a glance, which is especially helpful for czasowniki nieregularne do druku (printable irregular verbs).

The table begins with common verbs such as:

  • Be (być): was/were - been
  • Beat (bić): beat - beaten
  • Become (zostawać, stawać się): became - become
  • Begin (zaczynać): began - begun

Example: The verb "be" is highly irregular, with different forms for singular and plural in the past simple tense (was/were).

The list continues with other frequently used verbs like:

  • Bite (gryźć): bit - bitten
  • Blow (wiać, dmuchać): blew - blown
  • Break (łamać, psuć się): broke - broken
  • Bring (przynosić): brought - brought

Vocabulary: "Dmuchać" means "to blow" in Polish, which is helpful for Polish speakers learning English irregular verbs.

The table also includes verbs that are often challenging for learners:

  • Build (budować): built - built
  • Burn (palić się): burnt - burnt
  • Buy (kupić): bought - bought
  • Catch (łapać): caught - caught

Definition: Irregular verbs are verbs that do not follow the standard -ed ending pattern in their past simple and past participle forms.

This czasowniki nieregularne tabela (irregular verbs table) is an invaluable resource for students preparing for exams or looking to improve their English grammar skills. It can be used as a quick reference guide or as a study aid for memorizing wszystkie czasowniki nieregularne angielski (all irregular English verbs).

Quote: "Irregular verbs are an essential part of English grammar, and mastering them is crucial for achieving fluency in the language."

The table format of this guide makes it particularly useful for visual learners and those who prefer to study czasowniki nieregularne angielski + ćwiczenia (irregular English verbs with exercises). Students can cover one column and test themselves on the other forms, making it an interactive learning tool.

zostawać, stawać się
wiać, dmuchać
Tamać, psuć się
przy wosić
palić się

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