



Czasy i Tryby Warunkowe Angielski – Present Simple i Present Continuous

Czasy i Tryby Warunkowe Angielski – Present Simple i Present Continuous


Język angielski




• The document provides an overview of key English tenses and conditional structures.
• It covers Present Simple, Future Simple, Present Continuous, Present Perfect, Past Simple, and Past Continuous tenses.
• The passive voice construction is briefly explained for different tenses.
• Conditional sentences (zero, first, second, and third conditionals) are outlined.
• The information is presented in a concise, tabular format for easy reference.



English Tenses and Conditionals Overview

This page presents a comprehensive summary of essential English tenses and conditional structures. The information is organized in a clear, tabular format to facilitate quick understanding and reference.

The tenses covered include Present Simple, Future Simple, Present Continuous, Present Perfect, Past Simple, and Past Continuous. Each tense is explained with its structure and primary usage.

Highlight: The Present Simple tense is used for habitual actions, general truths, and states, while the Present Continuous is employed for describing ongoing actions or situations happening at the moment of speaking.

The passive voice construction is also briefly outlined for different tenses, providing a quick reference for forming passive sentences across various time frames.

Example: For the Present Simple passive voice, the structure is: subject + is/are + III form (past participle).

The page concludes with an explanation of conditional sentences, covering the zero, first, second, and third conditionals. Each type is presented with its structure and the level of probability it represents.

Definition: The second conditional (if + Past Simple, would + infinitive) is used for hypothetical situations with a small chance of occurring.

This concise yet comprehensive overview serves as an excellent quick reference guide for students studying English grammar, particularly tenses and conditionals.

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typu "like" czynności
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