



Fun Exercises on 'Have Something Done' - Examples, Questions, and PDFs!

Fun Exercises on 'Have Something Done' - Examples, Questions, and PDFs!

The construction "Have something done" is a crucial grammatical structure in English, used to describe situations where someone arranges for another person to perform a task. This summary explores its meaning, structure, and usage across various tenses.

  • "Have something done" means arranging for someone else (often a professional) to perform a task for you
  • The structure consists of: Subject + HAVE + Object + Past Participle
  • It can be used in different tenses, including Present Simple, Present Continuous, Present Perfect, Past Simple, Past Continuous, and Future Simple
  • "Get something done" is a more informal alternative to "have something done"



Understanding the "Have Something Done" Construction

The "Have something done" construction is a fundamental aspect of English grammar, particularly useful when describing actions performed by others on our behalf. This page delves into its meaning, structure, and various applications.

Meaning and Usage

The "Have something done" construction is employed when we want to express that someone else, typically a professional or specialist, performs an action for us.

Definition: Literally, this expression means "to have something done by someone else."

Highlight: In Polish, sentences using this construction are often translated similarly to sentences describing performing the action oneself.


The basic structure of this construction is:


Example: I have my hair cut every month.

Tense Variations

The "Have something done" construction can be used in various tenses:

  1. Present Simple: "I have my hair cut every month."
  2. Present Continuous: "We are having our kitchen redecorated."
  3. Present Perfect: "They have had their car washed."
  4. Past Simple: "We had our computer built."
  5. Past Continuous: "She was having her phone repaired."
  6. Future Simple: "He will have his gift wrapped."
  7. Be going to: "I am going to have a garage built."

Example: "We are having our kitchen redecorated" translates to "Remontują nam kuchnię" in Polish.

Get Something Done

An alternative to using "have" in this construction is to use "get," especially in colloquial speech.

Example: "We had new windows fitted" = "We got new windows fitted."

This page provides a comprehensive overview of the "Have something done" construction, offering examples and explanations to help learners master this important grammatical concept.

Have something done
1. Znaczenie
za nas
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