



Tryby warunkowe w języku angielskim - Ćwiczenia i przykłady
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Tryby warunkowe w języku angielskim - Ćwiczenia i przykłady

  • Conditional sentences in English cover different types of hypothetical situations
  • Conditional 0 (Zero Conditional) is used for regularly recurring events and facts
  • Conditional I (First Conditional) talks about future events based on possible conditions
  • Conditional II (Second Conditional) is for improbable or impossible situations in the present or future
  • Mixed Conditional Sentences combine different types of conditionals to express specific hypothetical scenarios



<h3 id="conditionalsentencesinenglishanoverview">Conditional Sentences in English - An Overview</h3>
<p><strong>Conditional 0 (Zero Conditio

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Rejestrując się akceptujesz Warunki korzystania z usługi i Politykę prywatności.

<h3 id="conditionalsentencesinenglishanoverview">Conditional Sentences in English - An Overview</h3>
<p><strong>Conditional 0 (Zero Conditio

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Rejestrując się akceptujesz Warunki korzystania z usługi i Politykę prywatności.

Conditional Sentences in English - An Overview

Conditional 0 (Zero Conditional)

This conditional is used to talk about consequences of regularly recurring events, actions, or phenomena, also known as "routines." It expresses something that is always true - facts.



  • If temperature is above zero, snow melts.
  • If I have a big supper, I usually have problems falling asleep.

We can replace the conjunction with "if/when."

Conditional I (First Conditional - Future)

This conditional is used to talk about events or situations that may happen in the future, provided that a certain condition is met, and the condition is possible to fulfill.



  • If it stops raining, I will go for a walk.
  • You will get a cold if you don't wear warm clothes outside.
  • I will come to the cinema if I finish all my work first.

We can replace "will" with the modal verbs "may/might."

Usage of Linking Words in Conditional Sentences

  • Provided/provided that - on the condition that
  • As long as - if
  • Unless - if not, except if

For example:

  • Unless it stops raining, I will stay at home.
  • I will see you at 3:30 unless the train is late.

Conditional II (Second Conditional - Present)

This conditional is used to talk about improbable or impossible situations in the present or future, often used for giving advice or expressing opinions about a specific situation. It involves hypothetical scenarios.



  • If I were you, I wouldn't go there.
  • If I had a lot of money, I would give some of it to a children's hospital.
  • If people were nicer, the world would be better.
  • I would buy a new car if I had more money.

Conditional III (Third Conditional - Past)

This conditional is used to talk about events that could have happened in the past but did not happen. It is also used to express imagined past events and the consequences of those events.


  • If I had learned more, I would have had better marks.
  • If you had told me, I wouldn't have made this mistake.
  • If I had invited friends last night, I wouldn't have felt so lonely.

Mixed Conditional Sentences

Mix of Conditional III and II

This form is used to describe probable effects in the present if a certain condition had been met in the past.



  • If you had taken aspirin 2 days ago, you wouldn't be in bed with flu now.

Mix of Conditional II and III

This form describes situations that could have occurred in the past if a general condition that was not met had been met, regardless of the time.



  • If I were you, I would have helped him.
  • If he were a better player, he would have won.

In summary, understanding the various conditionals in English helps in effective communication and expressing different types of hypothetical situations and their potential outcomes.

Podsumowanie - Język angielski

  • Conditional sentences in English cover different types of hypothetical situations
  • Conditional 0 (Zero Conditional) is used for regularly recurring events and facts
  • Conditional I (First Conditional) talks about future events based on possible conditions
  • Conditional II (Second Conditional) is for improbable or impossible situations in the present or future
  • Mixed Conditional Sentences combine different types of conditionals to express specific hypothetical scenarios
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Często zadawane pytania na temat Język angielski

Q: What is the Zero Conditional in English conditional sentences and when is it used?

A: The Zero Conditional in English conditional sentences is used to talk about consequences of regularly recurring events, actions, or phenomena, such as 'routines'. It expresses something that is always true - facts.

Q: Provide an example of the First Conditional in English conditional sentences.

A: If it stops raining, I will go for a walk.

Q: When is the Second Conditional used in English conditional sentences and what does it involve?

A: The Second Conditional is used to talk about improbable or impossible situations in the present or future, often used for giving advice or expressing opinions about a specific situation. It involves hypothetical scenarios.

Q: What is the Third Conditional used for in English conditional sentences and provide an example.

A: The Third Conditional is used to talk about events that could have happened in the past but did not happen. It is also used to express imagined past events and the consequences of those events. For example: If I had learned more, I would have had better marks.

Q: What are mixed conditional sentences and can you give an example of each type?

A: Mixed conditional sentences are a combination of different types of conditionals to describe various hypothetical situations. An example of a mix of Conditional III and II is 'If you had taken aspirin 2 days ago, you wouldn't be in bed with flu now.' An example of a mix of Conditional II and III is 'If I were you, I would have helped him.'

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