


Członkowie Rodziny po Angielsku - Nauka dla Klasy 1 i 4







Język angielski

Rodzina po angielsku

Członkowie Rodziny po Angielsku - Nauka dla Klasy 1 i 4

Członkowie rodziny po angielsku: A comprehensive guide to family members in English

This guide provides an extensive list of family member terms in English with their Polish translations. It covers immediate family, extended family, and in-laws, making it an invaluable resource for członkowie rodziny po angielsku dla dzieci and language learners of all ages.

Key points:

  • Includes terms for both male and female family members
  • Covers multiple generations, from great-great-grandparents to grandchildren
  • Provides translations for step-siblings and in-laws
  • Useful for członkowie rodziny po angielsku klasa 4 and other educational levels



brother brat
aunt ciocia
brother-in-law - szwagier
child dziecko
cousin kuzyn, kuzynka
daughter córka
daughter-in-law synowa
father - ojciec


Extended Family and Generational Terms

This page expands on the family vocabulary, focusing on extended family members and generational terms. It's particularly useful for członkowie rodziny po angielsku PDF resources and educational materials.

Vocabulary: grandparents (dziadkowie), great-grandparents (pradziadkowie), great-great-grandparents (prapradziadkowie)

The page introduces terms for multiple generations, allowing learners to describe complex family trees and relationships.

Example: "My family tree includes my great-grandfather (pradziadek) and great-grandmother (prababcia)."

Notable inclusions on this page are:

  • nephew (siostrzeniec)
  • niece (siostrzenica)
  • grandchildren (wnuki)
  • grandson (wnuczek)
  • granddaughter (wnuczka)

These terms are essential for członkowie rodziny po angielsku klasa 1 students and older learners alike, providing a comprehensive vocabulary for describing extended family relationships.

Highlight: The terms "half-brother" (przyrodni brat) and "half-sister" (przyrodnia siostra) are included, acknowledging diverse family structures.

This page is particularly useful for creating 10 zdań o rodzinie po angielsku, as it provides a wide range of terms to describe various family members and relationships.

Definition: In-laws (teściowie) refer collectively to one's spouse's parents.

The inclusion of terms like "great-great-grandfather" (prapradziadek) and "great-great-grandmother" (praprababcia) allows for the description of family history spanning multiple generations, making this resource valuable for genealogy enthusiasts and those interested in tracing their family roots.

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Członkowie Rodziny po Angielsku - Nauka dla Klasy 1 i 4

Członkowie rodziny po angielsku: A comprehensive guide to family members in English

This guide provides an extensive list of family member terms in English with their Polish translations. It covers immediate family, extended family, and in-laws, making it an invaluable resource for członkowie rodziny po angielsku dla dzieci and language learners of all ages.

Key points:

  • Includes terms for both male and female family members
  • Covers multiple generations, from great-great-grandparents to grandchildren
  • Provides translations for step-siblings and in-laws
  • Useful for członkowie rodziny po angielsku klasa 4 and other educational levels






Język angielski


brother brat
aunt ciocia
brother-in-law - szwagier
child dziecko
cousin kuzyn, kuzynka
daughter córka
daughter-in-law synowa
father - ojciec

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Dostęp do wszystkich materiałów

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Dołącz do milionów studentów

Rejestrując się akceptujesz Warunki korzystania z usługi i Politykę prywatności.

Extended Family and Generational Terms

This page expands on the family vocabulary, focusing on extended family members and generational terms. It's particularly useful for członkowie rodziny po angielsku PDF resources and educational materials.

Vocabulary: grandparents (dziadkowie), great-grandparents (pradziadkowie), great-great-grandparents (prapradziadkowie)

The page introduces terms for multiple generations, allowing learners to describe complex family trees and relationships.

Example: "My family tree includes my great-grandfather (pradziadek) and great-grandmother (prababcia)."

Notable inclusions on this page are:

  • nephew (siostrzeniec)
  • niece (siostrzenica)
  • grandchildren (wnuki)
  • grandson (wnuczek)
  • granddaughter (wnuczka)

These terms are essential for członkowie rodziny po angielsku klasa 1 students and older learners alike, providing a comprehensive vocabulary for describing extended family relationships.

Highlight: The terms "half-brother" (przyrodni brat) and "half-sister" (przyrodnia siostra) are included, acknowledging diverse family structures.

This page is particularly useful for creating 10 zdań o rodzinie po angielsku, as it provides a wide range of terms to describe various family members and relationships.

Definition: In-laws (teściowie) refer collectively to one's spouse's parents.

The inclusion of terms like "great-great-grandfather" (prapradziadek) and "great-great-grandmother" (praprababcia) allows for the description of family history spanning multiple generations, making this resource valuable for genealogy enthusiasts and those interested in tracing their family roots.

brother brat
aunt ciocia
brother-in-law - szwagier
child dziecko
cousin kuzyn, kuzynka
daughter córka
daughter-in-law synowa
father - ojciec

Zarejestruj się, aby zobaczyć notatkę. To nic nie kosztuje!

Dostęp do wszystkich materiałów

Popraw swoje oceny

Dołącz do milionów studentów

Rejestrując się akceptujesz Warunki korzystania z usługi i Politykę prywatności.

Family Members in English: Immediate Family

This page introduces essential vocabulary for immediate family members in English, with their Polish translations. It's an excellent resource for those learning członkowie rodziny po angielsku.

Vocabulary: brother (brat), sister (siostra), father (ojciec), mother (matka)

The list includes terms for parents, siblings, and children, which are fundamental for describing one's cała rodzina po angielsku.

Example: "My immediate family consists of my father, mother, brother, and sister."

The page also covers terms for extended family members and in-laws, providing a comprehensive overview of family relationships.

Highlight: The term "spouse" (współmałżonek) is a gender-neutral way to refer to one's husband or wife.

Some interesting inclusions are:

  • daughter-in-law (synowa)
  • son-in-law (zięć)
  • siblings (rodzeństwo)

These terms are particularly useful for członkowie rodziny po angielsku ćwiczenia, allowing students to practice describing various family relationships.

Definition: In-laws are relatives by marriage, such as a brother-in-law (szwagier) or sister-in-law (szwagierka, bratowa).

This page serves as an excellent starting point for creating a krótki opis rodziny po angielsku, providing the necessary vocabulary to describe one's immediate and extended family members.

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