


Exploring Character Traits: Positive and Negative Qualities





Agnieszka Kowalska


Język angielski


Exploring Character Traits: Positive and Negative Qualities

Understanding personality traits and character development is essential for personal growth and self-awareness.

Cechy charakteru (character traits) encompass both Pozytywne cechy charakteru (positive character traits) and Negatywne cechy charakteru (negative character traits) that shape an individual's personality and behavior patterns. The comprehensive Lista cech charakteru (list of character traits) includes various attributes that can be developed and refined over time through self-reflection and conscious effort. These traits range from empathy, resilience, and integrity to creativity, determination, and adaptability.

The study of personality theories, including Teoria cech Eysencka and Teoria cech Allporta, provides valuable frameworks for understanding human behavior and character development. These theories emphasize how personality traits influence our interactions, decision-making processes, and overall life outcomes. For young people developing their self-awareness, exercises focused on Samoocena ćwiczenia dla młodzieży (self-assessment exercises for youth) can be particularly beneficial. These activities help identify strengths and areas for improvement while building a stronger sense of self-worth. The concept of Charakterystyka postaci (character description) serves as a practical tool for understanding and analyzing personality traits in both real-life situations and literary contexts, making it especially useful for students in their academic and personal development journey. When examining Pozytywne i negatywne cechy charakteru (positive and negative character traits), it's important to recognize that everyone possesses a unique combination of characteristics that can be channeled constructively for personal growth and improved relationships with others.

Through understanding Cechy osobowości przykłady (personality trait examples) and applying Teorie osobowości (personality theories), individuals can better navigate their personal development journey. The process of building self-awareness and character strength is ongoing, supported by various tools and exercises designed to enhance Budowanie poczucia własnej wartości (building self-esteem). This comprehensive approach to character development helps create a foundation for personal success and positive relationships throughout life.




Word List
Unit 1-
In Character
adventurous /adventfərǝs/
(adj) = risk-taking lubiący
przygodę, śmiały, odważny
arched /a:tft/ (adj) =


Character Traits and Personality Vocabulary Guide

The study of Cechy charakteru (character traits) and personality requires understanding key terminology across languages. This comprehensive guide breaks down essential vocabulary related to describing people's qualities and characteristics.

Definition: Character traits are distinctive qualities or features that form an individual's personality and behavior patterns. They can be both innate and developed through experience.

Personal qualities can be broadly categorized into Pozytywne cechy charakteru (positive traits) and Negatywne cechy charakteru (negative traits). Understanding this vocabulary is crucial for describing people accurately in both casual and formal contexts.

Key positive traits include:

  • Adventurous (adventurous) - risk-taking, bold
  • Brave (brave) - showing no fear
  • Calm (calm) - relaxed, not nervous
  • Careful (careful) - paying attention
  • Charming (charming) - pleasant and attractive

Vocabulary: Important specialized terms for describing personality:

  • Confident (pewny siebie)
  • Generous (hojny)
  • Honest (uczciwy)
  • Patient (cierpliwy)
  • Reliable (wiarygodny)
Word List
Unit 1-
In Character
adventurous /adventfərǝs/
(adj) = risk-taking lubiący
przygodę, śmiały, odważny
arched /a:tft/ (adj) =


Physical Characteristics and Appearance Vocabulary

When describing physical features and appearance, precise vocabulary is essential. This section covers terminology for facial features, body types, and general appearance descriptors.

Example: To describe someone's face, you might reference:

  • Arched eyebrows (łukowate brwi)
  • Curved features (zaokrąglone rysy)
  • Hooked nose (nos haczykowaty)
  • Thick lips (grube wargi)

The vocabulary for physical descriptions includes both objective and subjective terms:

  • Chubby (pulchny) - pleasantly plump
  • Elderly (starszy) - past middle age
  • Middle-aged (w średnim wieku)
  • Rectangular (prostokątny) - describing face shape

Understanding these terms allows for detailed and accurate descriptions of people's physical characteristics in both casual conversation and formal writing.

Word List
Unit 1-
In Character
adventurous /adventfərǝs/
(adj) = risk-taking lubiący
przygodę, śmiały, odważny
arched /a:tft/ (adj) =


Clothing and Fashion Terminology

Fashion vocabulary encompasses everything from basic clothing items to specialized accessories and style descriptions. This comprehensive section covers essential terms for discussing attire and appearance.

Key clothing categories include:

  • Beachwear (strój plażowy)
  • Footwear (obuwie)
  • Menswear (odzież męska)
  • Sportswear (odzież sportowa)
  • Womenswear (odzież damska)

Highlight: Important fashion-related terms:

  • Tailored suit (garnitur szyty na miarę)
  • Polo shirt (koszulka polo)
  • Skinny jeans (jeansy z wąskimi nogawkami)
  • Tracksuit (dres)
Word List
Unit 1-
In Character
adventurous /adventfərǝs/
(adj) = risk-taking lubiący
przygodę, śmiały, odważny
arched /a:tft/ (adj) =


Cultural Dress and Traditional Clothing

Understanding cultural dress requires knowledge of specific terminology related to traditional garments and their significance. This section focuses on traditional clothing elements and their cultural context.

Example: Scottish traditional dress includes:

  • Kilt (traditional Scottish garment)
  • Sporran (futrzana torebka)
  • Ghillie brogues (traditional Scottish shoes)
  • Clan tartans (specific family patterns)

The vocabulary extends to various cultural events and occasions where traditional dress is worn:

  • Formal events (wydarzenia formalne)
  • Weddings (ceremonie ślubne)
  • Cultural celebrations (święta kulturowe)
  • Traditional ceremonies (ceremonie tradycyjne)

These terms help understand and discuss cultural dress appropriately while respecting traditional significance.

Word List
Unit 1-
In Character
adventurous /adventfərǝs/
(adj) = risk-taking lubiący
przygodę, śmiały, odważny
arched /a:tft/ (adj) =


English Language Learning: Essential Vocabulary for Transportation and Travel

Transportation and travel vocabulary forms a crucial foundation for English language learners. This comprehensive guide explores key terms and concepts related to modern transportation systems and travel experiences.

Vocabulary: Key transportation terms include passenger, passport control, underground railway, and traffic jam. Travel-related vocabulary covers terms like backpacking, boarding pass, and transit hub.

The modern transportation landscape encompasses various modes of travel, from traditional public transit to emerging technologies. Understanding terms related to airport procedures, railway systems, and urban mobility helps learners navigate English-speaking environments confidently. Essential concepts include passenger rights, transportation safety protocols, and travel documentation requirements.

Transportation infrastructure vocabulary extends to terms describing physical structures and systems. Learners should familiarize themselves with words related to stations, terminals, and transportation networks. This includes understanding directional language and location-specific terminology commonly used in travel situations.

Word List
Unit 1-
In Character
adventurous /adventfərǝs/
(adj) = risk-taking lubiący
przygodę, śmiały, odważny
arched /a:tft/ (adj) =


Values and Character Development in Language Learning

Character development plays an integral role in language acquisition and cultural understanding. This section examines how Pozytywne cechy charakteru and personal values influence language learning success.

Definition: Character traits that support effective language learning include persistence, curiosity, and cultural sensitivity.

Students developing strong language skills often demonstrate key personality traits that enhance their learning journey. These include openness to new experiences, willingness to make mistakes, and resilience when facing challenges. Understanding how Cechy charakteru impacts learning helps educators create more effective teaching strategies.

The relationship between personality development and language acquisition reveals important insights about successful learning approaches. Students who cultivate positive character traits often show improved performance in language studies and better cultural adaptation skills.

Word List
Unit 1-
In Character
adventurous /adventfərǝs/
(adj) = risk-taking lubiący
przygodę, śmiały, odważny
arched /a:tft/ (adj) =


Modern Technology and Communication in Language Education

Contemporary language education increasingly incorporates technological tools and digital communication methods. This section explores how modern technology shapes language learning experiences.

Highlight: Digital tools and platforms have transformed how students engage with language learning materials and practice communication skills.

Virtual reality, artificial intelligence, and mobile applications provide new opportunities for immersive language learning experiences. These technologies enable learners to practice real-world communication scenarios in safe, controlled environments while receiving immediate feedback.

The integration of technology in language education supports personalized learning paths and adaptive instruction methods. Students can access authentic language materials, interact with native speakers, and track their progress through sophisticated digital platforms.

Word List
Unit 1-
In Character
adventurous /adventfərǝs/
(adj) = risk-taking lubiący
przygodę, śmiały, odważny
arched /a:tft/ (adj) =


Entertainment Media in Language Learning

Entertainment media serves as a valuable resource for language acquisition, particularly through film and television content. This section examines how various media formats support language development.

Example: Films and TV shows provide authentic language exposure while introducing cultural context and colloquial expressions.

Different genres of entertainment media offer unique learning opportunities. Documentaries provide formal language and specialized vocabulary, while comedies help learners understand humor and informal speech patterns. Drama series expose students to emotional expression and complex dialogue situations.

The strategic use of entertainment media in language learning requires careful selection and structured guidance. Teachers can help students maximize learning benefits by choosing appropriate content levels and providing supporting materials for comprehension and practice.

Word List
Unit 1-
In Character
adventurous /adventfərǝs/
(adj) = risk-taking lubiący
przygodę, śmiały, odważny
arched /a:tft/ (adj) =


Essential English Vocabulary for Emergency and Rescue Situations

Emergency response and natural disaster vocabulary forms a crucial part of English language learning. Understanding these terms helps students communicate effectively during critical situations and comprehend news reports about disasters and rescue operations.

Vocabulary: Key emergency terms include:

  • avalanche: massive snow movement down mountains
  • earthquake: sudden ground movement
  • flood: water covering normally dry areas
  • volcanic eruption: explosive release of lava and gases
  • typhoon: violent tropical storm

Natural disasters require specific vocabulary for describing both the events and response actions. Students should familiarize themselves with terms like "rescue operation," "emergency services," and "evacuation procedures." These words frequently appear in news reports and emergency communications.

The vocabulary extends to emergency personnel and equipment. Understanding terms like "crew," "supplies," and "gear" helps describe rescue operations. Action verbs such as "survive," "recover," and "rescue" are essential for discussing outcomes of dangerous situations.

Example: During an earthquake scenario: "The rescue crew arrived quickly after the earthquake struck. They brought essential supplies and specialized gear to help survivors trapped in the rubble. Emergency services worked tirelessly to recover victims and provide medical assistance."

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Exploring Character Traits: Positive and Negative Qualities


Agnieszka Kowalska



9 Obserwujących


Understanding personality traits and character development is essential for personal growth and self-awareness.

Cechy charakteru (character traits) encompass both Pozytywne cechy charakteru (positive character traits) and Negatywne cechy charakteru (negative character traits) that shape an individual's personality and behavior patterns. The comprehensive Lista cech charakteru (list of character traits) includes various attributes that can be developed and refined over time through self-reflection and conscious effort. These traits range from empathy, resilience, and integrity to creativity, determination, and adaptability.

The study of personality theories, including Teoria cech Eysencka and Teoria cech Allporta, provides valuable frameworks for understanding human behavior and character development. These theories emphasize how personality traits influence our interactions, decision-making processes, and overall life outcomes. For young people developing their self-awareness, exercises focused on Samoocena ćwiczenia dla młodzieży (self-assessment exercises for youth) can be particularly beneficial. These activities help identify strengths and areas for improvement while building a stronger sense of self-worth. The concept of Charakterystyka postaci (character description) serves as a practical tool for understanding and analyzing personality traits in both real-life situations and literary contexts, making it especially useful for students in their academic and personal development journey. When examining Pozytywne i negatywne cechy charakteru (positive and negative character traits), it's important to recognize that everyone possesses a unique combination of characteristics that can be channeled constructively for personal growth and improved relationships with others.

Through understanding Cechy osobowości przykłady (personality trait examples) and applying Teorie osobowości (personality theories), individuals can better navigate their personal development journey. The process of building self-awareness and character strength is ongoing, supported by various tools and exercises designed to enhance Budowanie poczucia własnej wartości (building self-esteem). This comprehensive approach to character development helps create a foundation for personal success and positive relationships throughout life.







Język angielski


Word List
Unit 1-
In Character
adventurous /adventfərǝs/
(adj) = risk-taking lubiący
przygodę, śmiały, odważny
arched /a:tft/ (adj) =

Zarejestruj się, aby zobaczyć notatkę. To nic nie kosztuje!

Dostęp do wszystkich materiałów

Popraw swoje oceny

Dołącz do milionów studentów

Rejestrując się akceptujesz Warunki korzystania z usługi i Politykę prywatności.

Character Traits and Personality Vocabulary Guide

The study of Cechy charakteru (character traits) and personality requires understanding key terminology across languages. This comprehensive guide breaks down essential vocabulary related to describing people's qualities and characteristics.

Definition: Character traits are distinctive qualities or features that form an individual's personality and behavior patterns. They can be both innate and developed through experience.

Personal qualities can be broadly categorized into Pozytywne cechy charakteru (positive traits) and Negatywne cechy charakteru (negative traits). Understanding this vocabulary is crucial for describing people accurately in both casual and formal contexts.

Key positive traits include:

  • Adventurous (adventurous) - risk-taking, bold
  • Brave (brave) - showing no fear
  • Calm (calm) - relaxed, not nervous
  • Careful (careful) - paying attention
  • Charming (charming) - pleasant and attractive

Vocabulary: Important specialized terms for describing personality:

  • Confident (pewny siebie)
  • Generous (hojny)
  • Honest (uczciwy)
  • Patient (cierpliwy)
  • Reliable (wiarygodny)
Word List
Unit 1-
In Character
adventurous /adventfərǝs/
(adj) = risk-taking lubiący
przygodę, śmiały, odważny
arched /a:tft/ (adj) =

Zarejestruj się, aby zobaczyć notatkę. To nic nie kosztuje!

Dostęp do wszystkich materiałów

Popraw swoje oceny

Dołącz do milionów studentów

Rejestrując się akceptujesz Warunki korzystania z usługi i Politykę prywatności.

Physical Characteristics and Appearance Vocabulary

When describing physical features and appearance, precise vocabulary is essential. This section covers terminology for facial features, body types, and general appearance descriptors.

Example: To describe someone's face, you might reference:

  • Arched eyebrows (łukowate brwi)
  • Curved features (zaokrąglone rysy)
  • Hooked nose (nos haczykowaty)
  • Thick lips (grube wargi)

The vocabulary for physical descriptions includes both objective and subjective terms:

  • Chubby (pulchny) - pleasantly plump
  • Elderly (starszy) - past middle age
  • Middle-aged (w średnim wieku)
  • Rectangular (prostokątny) - describing face shape

Understanding these terms allows for detailed and accurate descriptions of people's physical characteristics in both casual conversation and formal writing.

Word List
Unit 1-
In Character
adventurous /adventfərǝs/
(adj) = risk-taking lubiący
przygodę, śmiały, odważny
arched /a:tft/ (adj) =

Zarejestruj się, aby zobaczyć notatkę. To nic nie kosztuje!

Dostęp do wszystkich materiałów

Popraw swoje oceny

Dołącz do milionów studentów

Rejestrując się akceptujesz Warunki korzystania z usługi i Politykę prywatności.

Clothing and Fashion Terminology

Fashion vocabulary encompasses everything from basic clothing items to specialized accessories and style descriptions. This comprehensive section covers essential terms for discussing attire and appearance.

Key clothing categories include:

  • Beachwear (strój plażowy)
  • Footwear (obuwie)
  • Menswear (odzież męska)
  • Sportswear (odzież sportowa)
  • Womenswear (odzież damska)

Highlight: Important fashion-related terms:

  • Tailored suit (garnitur szyty na miarę)
  • Polo shirt (koszulka polo)
  • Skinny jeans (jeansy z wąskimi nogawkami)
  • Tracksuit (dres)
Word List
Unit 1-
In Character
adventurous /adventfərǝs/
(adj) = risk-taking lubiący
przygodę, śmiały, odważny
arched /a:tft/ (adj) =

Zarejestruj się, aby zobaczyć notatkę. To nic nie kosztuje!

Dostęp do wszystkich materiałów

Popraw swoje oceny

Dołącz do milionów studentów

Rejestrując się akceptujesz Warunki korzystania z usługi i Politykę prywatności.

Cultural Dress and Traditional Clothing

Understanding cultural dress requires knowledge of specific terminology related to traditional garments and their significance. This section focuses on traditional clothing elements and their cultural context.

Example: Scottish traditional dress includes:

  • Kilt (traditional Scottish garment)
  • Sporran (futrzana torebka)
  • Ghillie brogues (traditional Scottish shoes)
  • Clan tartans (specific family patterns)

The vocabulary extends to various cultural events and occasions where traditional dress is worn:

  • Formal events (wydarzenia formalne)
  • Weddings (ceremonie ślubne)
  • Cultural celebrations (święta kulturowe)
  • Traditional ceremonies (ceremonie tradycyjne)

These terms help understand and discuss cultural dress appropriately while respecting traditional significance.

Word List
Unit 1-
In Character
adventurous /adventfərǝs/
(adj) = risk-taking lubiący
przygodę, śmiały, odważny
arched /a:tft/ (adj) =

Zarejestruj się, aby zobaczyć notatkę. To nic nie kosztuje!

Dostęp do wszystkich materiałów

Popraw swoje oceny

Dołącz do milionów studentów

Rejestrując się akceptujesz Warunki korzystania z usługi i Politykę prywatności.

English Language Learning: Essential Vocabulary for Transportation and Travel

Transportation and travel vocabulary forms a crucial foundation for English language learners. This comprehensive guide explores key terms and concepts related to modern transportation systems and travel experiences.

Vocabulary: Key transportation terms include passenger, passport control, underground railway, and traffic jam. Travel-related vocabulary covers terms like backpacking, boarding pass, and transit hub.

The modern transportation landscape encompasses various modes of travel, from traditional public transit to emerging technologies. Understanding terms related to airport procedures, railway systems, and urban mobility helps learners navigate English-speaking environments confidently. Essential concepts include passenger rights, transportation safety protocols, and travel documentation requirements.

Transportation infrastructure vocabulary extends to terms describing physical structures and systems. Learners should familiarize themselves with words related to stations, terminals, and transportation networks. This includes understanding directional language and location-specific terminology commonly used in travel situations.

Word List
Unit 1-
In Character
adventurous /adventfərǝs/
(adj) = risk-taking lubiący
przygodę, śmiały, odważny
arched /a:tft/ (adj) =

Zarejestruj się, aby zobaczyć notatkę. To nic nie kosztuje!

Dostęp do wszystkich materiałów

Popraw swoje oceny

Dołącz do milionów studentów

Rejestrując się akceptujesz Warunki korzystania z usługi i Politykę prywatności.

Values and Character Development in Language Learning

Character development plays an integral role in language acquisition and cultural understanding. This section examines how Pozytywne cechy charakteru and personal values influence language learning success.

Definition: Character traits that support effective language learning include persistence, curiosity, and cultural sensitivity.

Students developing strong language skills often demonstrate key personality traits that enhance their learning journey. These include openness to new experiences, willingness to make mistakes, and resilience when facing challenges. Understanding how Cechy charakteru impacts learning helps educators create more effective teaching strategies.

The relationship between personality development and language acquisition reveals important insights about successful learning approaches. Students who cultivate positive character traits often show improved performance in language studies and better cultural adaptation skills.

Word List
Unit 1-
In Character
adventurous /adventfərǝs/
(adj) = risk-taking lubiący
przygodę, śmiały, odważny
arched /a:tft/ (adj) =

Zarejestruj się, aby zobaczyć notatkę. To nic nie kosztuje!

Dostęp do wszystkich materiałów

Popraw swoje oceny

Dołącz do milionów studentów

Rejestrując się akceptujesz Warunki korzystania z usługi i Politykę prywatności.

Modern Technology and Communication in Language Education

Contemporary language education increasingly incorporates technological tools and digital communication methods. This section explores how modern technology shapes language learning experiences.

Highlight: Digital tools and platforms have transformed how students engage with language learning materials and practice communication skills.

Virtual reality, artificial intelligence, and mobile applications provide new opportunities for immersive language learning experiences. These technologies enable learners to practice real-world communication scenarios in safe, controlled environments while receiving immediate feedback.

The integration of technology in language education supports personalized learning paths and adaptive instruction methods. Students can access authentic language materials, interact with native speakers, and track their progress through sophisticated digital platforms.

Word List
Unit 1-
In Character
adventurous /adventfərǝs/
(adj) = risk-taking lubiący
przygodę, śmiały, odważny
arched /a:tft/ (adj) =

Zarejestruj się, aby zobaczyć notatkę. To nic nie kosztuje!

Dostęp do wszystkich materiałów

Popraw swoje oceny

Dołącz do milionów studentów

Rejestrując się akceptujesz Warunki korzystania z usługi i Politykę prywatności.

Entertainment Media in Language Learning

Entertainment media serves as a valuable resource for language acquisition, particularly through film and television content. This section examines how various media formats support language development.

Example: Films and TV shows provide authentic language exposure while introducing cultural context and colloquial expressions.

Different genres of entertainment media offer unique learning opportunities. Documentaries provide formal language and specialized vocabulary, while comedies help learners understand humor and informal speech patterns. Drama series expose students to emotional expression and complex dialogue situations.

The strategic use of entertainment media in language learning requires careful selection and structured guidance. Teachers can help students maximize learning benefits by choosing appropriate content levels and providing supporting materials for comprehension and practice.

Word List
Unit 1-
In Character
adventurous /adventfərǝs/
(adj) = risk-taking lubiący
przygodę, śmiały, odważny
arched /a:tft/ (adj) =

Zarejestruj się, aby zobaczyć notatkę. To nic nie kosztuje!

Dostęp do wszystkich materiałów

Popraw swoje oceny

Dołącz do milionów studentów

Rejestrując się akceptujesz Warunki korzystania z usługi i Politykę prywatności.

Essential English Vocabulary for Emergency and Rescue Situations

Emergency response and natural disaster vocabulary forms a crucial part of English language learning. Understanding these terms helps students communicate effectively during critical situations and comprehend news reports about disasters and rescue operations.

Vocabulary: Key emergency terms include:

  • avalanche: massive snow movement down mountains
  • earthquake: sudden ground movement
  • flood: water covering normally dry areas
  • volcanic eruption: explosive release of lava and gases
  • typhoon: violent tropical storm

Natural disasters require specific vocabulary for describing both the events and response actions. Students should familiarize themselves with terms like "rescue operation," "emergency services," and "evacuation procedures." These words frequently appear in news reports and emergency communications.

The vocabulary extends to emergency personnel and equipment. Understanding terms like "crew," "supplies," and "gear" helps describe rescue operations. Action verbs such as "survive," "recover," and "rescue" are essential for discussing outcomes of dangerous situations.

Example: During an earthquake scenario: "The rescue crew arrived quickly after the earthquake struck. They brought essential supplies and specialized gear to help survivors trapped in the rubble. Emergency services worked tirelessly to recover victims and provide medical assistance."

Word List
Unit 1-
In Character
adventurous /adventfərǝs/
(adj) = risk-taking lubiący
przygodę, śmiały, odważny
arched /a:tft/ (adj) =

Zarejestruj się, aby zobaczyć notatkę. To nic nie kosztuje!

Dostęp do wszystkich materiałów

Popraw swoje oceny

Dołącz do milionów studentów

Rejestrując się akceptujesz Warunki korzystania z usługi i Politykę prywatności.

Maritime and Transportation Safety Vocabulary

Maritime safety vocabulary represents another crucial area for English language learners. This specialized vocabulary covers various aspects of water transportation and safety measures, particularly focusing on emergency situations at sea.

Definition: Maritime safety terms:

  • lifeboat: emergency vessel carried on ships
  • deck: open surface area of a ship
  • iceberg: floating mass of ice
  • crew: ship's working personnel
  • passenger: person traveling on vessel

Understanding transportation safety extends beyond maritime situations to include various modes of travel. Terms like "snow chains" for winter driving safety and "brand-new" for describing vehicle conditions are essential for discussing transportation safety measures.

Emergency response vocabulary in transportation contexts includes terms related to medical services and rescue operations. Words like "ambulance service," "medical emergency," and "eyewitness" are crucial for describing accident scenarios and response procedures.

Highlight: Key safety phrases:

  • "on board" - presence on a vessel
  • "carry out" - perform an action
  • "let in" - allow entry
  • "put out" - extinguish fire
  • "recover" - return to normal condition

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Knowunity jest aplikacją edukacyjną #1 w pięciu krajach europejskich


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Użytkownik iOS

Tak bardzo kocham tę aplikację [...] Polecam Knowunity każdemu!!! Moje oceny poprawiły się dzięki tej aplikacji :D

Filip, użytkownik iOS

Aplikacja jest bardzo prosta i dobrze zaprojektowana. Do tej pory zawsze znajdowałam wszystko, czego szukałam :D

Zuzia, użytkownik iOS

Uwielbiam tę aplikację ❤️ właściwie używam jej za każdym razem, gdy się uczę.