German Medical Vocabulary and Phrases
This page presents a comprehensive list of German medical terms, questions, and responses related to common health issues. It's an excellent resource for those learning choroby po niemiecku z rodzajnikami and preparing for potential medical situations in German-speaking environments.
The document begins with the title "HERR DOKTOR, ICH HABE BAUCHSCHMERZEN" (Doctor, I have a stomachache), immediately addressing the question "Jak jest boli po niemiecku?" by providing the German term for stomachache.
Vocabulary: The page lists several common ailments in German with their Polish translations:
- SCHNUPFEN - katar (runny nose)
- DIE SCHMERZEN - bóle (pain)
- FIEBER - gorączka (fever)
- HUSTEN - kaszel (cough)
These terms are essential for describing dolegliwości po niemiecku (ailments in German) and are particularly useful for students studying choroby po niemiecku klasa 8.
The document then provides useful questions that a doctor might ask, along with their Polish translations:
- WAS FEHLT DIR? - Co tobie dolega? (What's wrong with you?)
- TUT DIR ETWAS WEH? - Czy coś ciebie boli? (Does something hurt?)
- WAS TUT DIR WEH? - Co cię boli? (What hurts?)
These phrases are crucial for understanding and participating in a wizyta u lekarza po niemiecku (doctor's visit in German).
The page also includes example responses to these questions:
- DER KOPF TUT MIR WEH. - Boli mnie głowa. (My head hurts.)
- JA, DIE OHREN TUN MIR WEH. - Tak, bolą mnie uszy. (Yes, my ears hurt.)
These examples help learners express their symptoms in German, addressing the concern "Dlaczego cały czas boli mnie brzuch?" (Why does my stomach hurt all the time?) in a medical context.
The document further lists important medical items and their German names:
- EIN REZEPT - recepta, przepis (prescription, recipe)
- DER LÖFFEL - łyżka (spoon)
- DER HUSTENSAFT - syrop na kaszel (cough syrup)
- EIN LÖFFEL HUSTENSAFT - łyżka syropu (a spoonful of syrup)
This vocabulary is essential for understanding prescriptions and medication instructions, which is part of słownictwo medyczne niemiecki (German medical vocabulary).
The page concludes with some common instructions and phrases used in medical situations:
- DU MUSST IM BETT BLEIBEN - Musisz zostać w łóżku (You must stay in bed)
- DIE TABLETTEN - zażywać tabletki (take the tablets)
Highlight: The document emphasizes the difference between "mir" (me) and "dir" (you) in German, which is crucial for correct communication in medical contexts.
Finally, the page ends with the phrase "GUTE BESSERUNG" (Get well soon), a common expression used in niemiecki zdrowie zwroty (German health phrases).
This comprehensive guide serves as an excellent resource for anyone looking to learn about choroby po niemiecku (diseases in German) or prepare for medical situations in German-speaking countries. It covers essential bóle po niemiecku (pains in German) vocabulary and provides practical phrases for doctor-patient interactions.