Powers and Roots: Essential Formulas and Examples
This page serves as a comprehensive reference for potęgi i pierwiastki klasa 8 powtórzenie, providing students with essential formulas and examples for powers and roots. The content is organized into two main sections: powers (potęgi) and roots (pierwiastki).
In the powers section, fundamental rules for exponents are presented, including:
Example: a²·aᵐ = aⁿ⁺ᵐ (multiplication of powers with the same base)
Example: a:aᵐ = aⁿ⁻ᵐ (division of powers with the same base)
The page also includes a table of squares for numbers 1 through 20, which is crucial for potęgi i pierwiastki egzamin 8 klasisty preparation.
Highlight: Square numbers from 1² to 20² are listed, providing quick reference for common calculations.
In the roots section, the square roots of perfect squares up to 400 are listed, which is invaluable for pierwiastki egzamin ósmoklasisty pdf practice.
Example: √16 = 4, √25 = 5, √36 = 6, and so on up to √400 = 20
The page concludes with important formulas for manipulating roots:
Definition: √(a·b) = √a · √b (square root of a product)
Definition: √(a:b) = √a : √b (square root of a quotient)
This karta pracy potęgi i pierwiastki klasa 8 serves as an excellent resource for students preparing for the potęgi i pierwiastki EGZAMIN ósmoklasisty PDF, providing a quick reference for essential formulas and examples that are likely to appear in exam questions.