


Liczby, Potęgi i Sześciany: Klasa 4 - Kwadraty i Sześciany




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Oliwia Mikulska




Liczby, Potęgi i Sześciany: Klasa 4 - Kwadraty i Sześciany

This document covers potęgi liczb od 1 do 20, focusing on wartości liczbowe dla potęgi dwójki and obliczanie sześcianów liczb. It provides comprehensive tables of powers and cubes for numbers 1 through 20.

  • Powers of 2 from 2^1 to 2^20 are listed, showing exponential growth
  • Cubes of numbers from 1^3 to 10^3 are presented
  • Squares of numbers from 1^2 to 20^2 are detailed
  • The document serves as a quick reference for common exponents



2₁ = 2
72 = 4
74 = 16
25 = 32
2² = 64
2+ = 128
28= 256
2⁹ = 512
10 =
212 = 4096
215= 32768
216 = 65


Squares and Cubes

This page presents a comprehensive list of squares for numbers 1 through 20, which is particularly useful for students working on potęgowanie klasa 5 zadania pdf (exponentiation class 5 exercises pdf). It also includes cubes for numbers 1 through 10, providing a solid foundation for understanding higher powers.

Example: 7^2 = 49, 5^3 = 125

The page demonstrates how quickly numbers grow when squared or cubed, which is crucial for grasping the concept of exponential growth. This knowledge is fundamental for more advanced mathematical concepts and can help students when learning about zasady potęgowania (rules of exponentiation).

Highlight: Memorizing these common squares and cubes can significantly improve mental math skills and speed up calculations in various mathematical problems.

Quote: "Understanding the patterns in squares and cubes is key to mastering exponentiation."

This comprehensive guide serves as an excellent resource for students looking to practice jak obliczyć potęgi klasa 4 (how to calculate powers class 4) and develop a strong foundation in exponentiation.

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Liczby, Potęgi i Sześciany: Klasa 4 - Kwadraty i Sześciany

This document covers potęgi liczb od 1 do 20, focusing on wartości liczbowe dla potęgi dwójki and obliczanie sześcianów liczb. It provides comprehensive tables of powers and cubes for numbers 1 through 20.

  • Powers of 2 from 2^1 to 2^20 are listed, showing exponential growth
  • Cubes of numbers from 1^3 to 10^3 are presented
  • Squares of numbers from 1^2 to 20^2 are detailed
  • The document serves as a quick reference for common exponents








2₁ = 2
72 = 4
74 = 16
25 = 32
2² = 64
2+ = 128
28= 256
2⁹ = 512
10 =
212 = 4096
215= 32768
216 = 65

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Squares and Cubes

This page presents a comprehensive list of squares for numbers 1 through 20, which is particularly useful for students working on potęgowanie klasa 5 zadania pdf (exponentiation class 5 exercises pdf). It also includes cubes for numbers 1 through 10, providing a solid foundation for understanding higher powers.

Example: 7^2 = 49, 5^3 = 125

The page demonstrates how quickly numbers grow when squared or cubed, which is crucial for grasping the concept of exponential growth. This knowledge is fundamental for more advanced mathematical concepts and can help students when learning about zasady potęgowania (rules of exponentiation).

Highlight: Memorizing these common squares and cubes can significantly improve mental math skills and speed up calculations in various mathematical problems.

Quote: "Understanding the patterns in squares and cubes is key to mastering exponentiation."

This comprehensive guide serves as an excellent resource for students looking to practice jak obliczyć potęgi klasa 4 (how to calculate powers class 4) and develop a strong foundation in exponentiation.

2₁ = 2
72 = 4
74 = 16
25 = 32
2² = 64
2+ = 128
28= 256
2⁹ = 512
10 =
212 = 4096
215= 32768
216 = 65

Zarejestruj się, aby zobaczyć notatkę. To nic nie kosztuje!

Dostęp do wszystkich materiałów

Popraw swoje oceny

Dołącz do milionów studentów

Rejestrując się akceptujesz Warunki korzystania z usługi i Politykę prywatności.

Powers of 2

This page focuses on the powers of 2, starting from 2^1 and going up to 2^20. It provides a comprehensive list of these exponents and their corresponding values, which is essential for students learning about potęgowanie liczb klasa 6 zadania pdf (exponentiation of numbers class 6 exercises pdf).

Example: 2^5 = 32, 2^10 = 1024

The page also includes the powers of 3 up to 3^10, offering a comparison between the growth rates of powers of 2 and powers of 3. This comparison is valuable for understanding exponential growth and can be useful when solving potęgi - zadania (exponent exercises).

Vocabulary: Exponent - The number of times a base number is multiplied by itself.

Definition: Power - The result of multiplying a number (the base) by itself a certain number of times (the exponent).

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