



Dysocjacja kwasów, zasad i soli - Przykłady i zadania

Dysocjacja kwasów, zasad i soli - Przykłady i zadania

  • Electrolytic dissociation is the breakdown of a substance into ions
  • Strong and weak electrolytes undergo dissociation
  • Weak acids, bases, and salts undergo gradual dissociation and release ions
  • Hydrolysis occurs after dissociation and can result in the formation of H30+ or OH- ions
  • Cation, anion, and cation-anion hydrolysis can occur with different types of salts



<p>When a substance breaks down into ions,<br />
the resulting solution conducts electricity,<br />
electrolytes undergo dissociation:<br /

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When a substance breaks down into ions,
the resulting solution conducts electricity,
electrolytes undergo dissociation:
• strong (e.g. KOH, Ba(OH)₂, HCLO4, HI, HCL),
• weak (e.g. NH3, HF, HNO₂, H₂S, HCOOH).

Conditions of dissociation

Dissociation of weak electrolytes occurs when:

  • the substance is soluble in water,
  • the substance is poorly soluble in water (e.g. Ca(OH)₂).

Dissociation of weak electrolytes

The dissociation of weak acids, bases, and salts results in the release of ions due to the interaction with water molecules.

Dissociation of strong electrolytes

Strong electrolytes dissociate completely into their ions when dissolved in water.

Gradual dissociation

Some substances undergo gradual dissociation, such as the reaction of boric acid with water.


Molecules first undergo dissociation and then the resulting ions may undergo hydrolysis, resulting in the formation of H30+ or OH- ions.

Cation hydrolysis

  • Occurs with a salt of a strong acid and weak base, such as FeCl3:
    Fe³+ + 3 CL -> FeCl3
    FeCl3 + H₂O -> Fe(OH)2+ + H3O+

Anion hydrolysis

  • Occurs with a salt of a weak acid and strong base, such as Naclo:
    Naclo -> Li++ CLO~
    CLO- + H2O -> HCCO + OH-

Cation-anion hydrolysis

  • Involves a salt of a weak acid and weak base, for example NH4F:
    NH4F -> NH4 + F~
    F- + H2O -> HF + OH-
    NH4+H2O -> NH3 + H30+

The degree of dissociation can be determined from tables, while the hydrolysis of a weak acid is determined by the relationship between its Ka and Kb values.

Podsumowanie - Chemia

  • Electrolytic dissociation is the breakdown of a substance into ions
  • Strong and weak electrolytes undergo dissociation
  • Weak acids, bases, and salts undergo gradual dissociation and release ions
  • Hydrolysis occurs after dissociation and can result in the formation of H30+ or OH- ions
  • Cation, anion, and cation-anion hydrolysis can occur with different types of salts

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Często zadawane pytania na temat Chemia

Q: What are the conditions required for the dissociation of weak electrolytes to occur?

A: The conditions required for the dissociation of weak electrolytes to occur include being soluble in water and being poorly soluble in water (e.g. Ca(OH)₂).

Q: How does the dissociation of strong electrolytes differ from weak electrolytes?

A: Strong electrolytes dissociate completely into their ions when dissolved in water, while weak electrolytes only partially dissociate into ions.

Q: Can you provide an example of cation hydrolysis?

A: An example of cation hydrolysis is the reaction of FeCl3 with water, where FeCl3 + H₂O results in the formation of Fe(OH)2+ and H3O+ ions.

Q: What is the process of hydrolysis and how does it relate to the dissociation of ions?

A: Hydrolysis is the process where the resulting ions from dissociation may undergo further reactions to form H30+ or OH- ions, which is related to the dissociation of ions in solution.

Q: How can the degree of dissociation be determined and what factors affect it?

A: The degree of dissociation can be determined from tables, and it is affected by the nature of the solute, temperature, and concentration of the solution.

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