


Fun Inversion and Cleft Sentence Exercises for Kids




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Ida Paluszczyszyn


Język angielski

Inwersja - nacisk emphasis

Fun Inversion and Cleft Sentence Exercises for Kids

This document provides an overview of emphasis grammar techniques, focusing on inversion exercises and cleft sentences. It explains various methods to emphasize different parts of a sentence for greater impact.

  • Covers IT/WAS… WHO/WHICH/THAT constructions
  • Explains the use of ALL (THAT) for emphasis
  • Discusses WHAT clauses for emphasis
  • Introduces question word inversion for surprise
  • Demonstrates emphatic use of DO/DOES/DID



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Fun Inversion and Cleft Sentence Exercises for Kids

This document provides an overview of emphasis grammar techniques, focusing on inversion exercises and cleft sentences. It explains various methods to emphasize different parts of a sentence for greater impact.

  • Covers IT/WAS… WHO/WHICH/THAT constructions
  • Explains the use of ALL (THAT) for emphasis
  • Discusses WHAT clauses for emphasis
  • Introduces question word inversion for surprise
  • Demonstrates emphatic use of DO/DOES/DID






Język angielski


We use inversion to put emphasis on certain words or parts.
Sheila is painting flowers in the garden
Who? It

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Inversion and Emphasis in English Grammar

This page provides an overview of various techniques used in English to emphasize different parts of a sentence, including inwersja angielski (inversion in English) and emphatic structures. These methods allow speakers and writers to draw attention to specific information and create more impactful sentences.


This structure is used to emphasize the subject, object, or adverbial in a sentence.

Example: "Sheila is painting flowers in the garden" can be emphasized in different ways:

  • Who? "It is Sheila who/that is painting flowers in the garden."
  • What? "It is flowers that Sheila is painting in the garden."
  • Where? "It is in the garden that Sheila is painting flowers."


This structure is used to emphasize that something is the only thing that matters or happened.


  • "All (that) she cares about is money."
  • "All (that) he did was call me to say goodbye."


This structure can be used to emphasize different parts of a sentence by rearranging its elements.

Example: "Jogging keeps me in shape" can be rephrased as:

  • "What keeps me in shape is jogging."
  • "Jogging is what keeps me in shape."


This structure is used to emphasize the verb in a sentence.

Example: "Sharon designs clothes" becomes "What Sharon does is design clothes."


This structure is used to express surprise or disbelief.

Example: "Who ever/whoever told you I was getting married?"


This structure is used to add emphasis to the main verb of a sentence.

Example: "She believes in supernatural powers" becomes "She does believe in supernatural powers."

Highlight: These inwersja przykłady angielski (inversion examples in English) demonstrate how rearranging sentence elements can significantly alter the emphasis and impact of the information being conveyed.

Vocabulary: Emfaza angielski (emphasis in English) refers to the various grammatical structures and techniques used to highlight or stress certain parts of a sentence for greater effect.

Understanding and using these emphatic structures can greatly enhance your ability to communicate effectively in English, allowing you to convey nuances and draw attention to specific information as needed.

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