


Kąty naprzemianległe, wierzchołkowe i przyległe - Proste wyjaśnienie dla dzieci




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Dwie proste przecięte trzecią prostą

Kąty naprzemianległe, wierzchołkowe i przyległe - Proste wyjaśnienie dla dzieci

This transcript appears to be a mix of mathematical equations, geometric concepts, and problem-solving steps related to angles formed by parallel lines intersected by a transversal. I'll provide a summary based on the legible and relevant information:

Dwie proste równoległe przecięte trzecią prostą (Two parallel lines intersected by a third line) is the main topic. The content focuses on two key concepts:

  1. Kąty naprzemianległe (Alternate angles)
  2. Kąty odpowiadające (Corresponding angles)

The document includes examples and calculations involving these angle relationships, as well as references to triangles and their angle sums.




1. Katy napremianlegte
zad 7.33
Suma miar kątów w


Dwie Proste Równoległe Przecięte Trzecią Prostą (Two Parallel Lines Intersected by a Third Line)

This page covers fundamental concepts in geometry related to angles formed when two parallel lines are intersected by a transversal. The main focus is on kąty naprzemianległe (alternate angles) and kąty odpowiadające (corresponding angles).

Kąty Naprzemianległe (Alternate Angles)

The first section introduces the concept of alternate angles.

Definition: Kąty naprzemianległe are pairs of angles formed when a transversal crosses two parallel lines. These angles are on alternate sides of the transversal and are equal in measure.

An example problem (labeled as zad 7.33) is presented, demonstrating calculations involving alternate angles.

Example: In one part of the problem, the equation x + 13 + 7 = 180° is given, illustrating the relationship between alternate angles and the sum of angles on a straight line.

Kąty Odpowiadające (Corresponding Angles)

The second section deals with corresponding angles.

Definition: Kąty odpowiadające are pairs of angles in corresponding positions when a transversal intersects two parallel lines. These angles are equal in measure.

Examples are provided to illustrate the concept:


  • ABC = 40°, ACB = 120°, CAB = 20°
  • CAB = 55°, ABC = 70°, ACB = 180° - 70° - 55° = 55°

These examples demonstrate how to calculate unknown angles using the properties of corresponding angles and the fact that angles in a triangle sum to 180°.

Highlight: The sum of angles in a triangle is explicitly stated as 180°, which is a crucial concept in solving these types of problems.

The page also includes various angle measurements and calculations, reinforcing the practical application of these geometric principles in problem-solving contexts.

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Kąty naprzemianległe, wierzchołkowe i przyległe - Proste wyjaśnienie dla dzieci

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74 Obserwujących


This transcript appears to be a mix of mathematical equations, geometric concepts, and problem-solving steps related to angles formed by parallel lines intersected by a transversal. I'll provide a summary based on the legible and relevant information:

Dwie proste równoległe przecięte trzecią prostą (Two parallel lines intersected by a third line) is the main topic. The content focuses on two key concepts:

  1. Kąty naprzemianległe (Alternate angles)
  2. Kąty odpowiadające (Corresponding angles)

The document includes examples and calculations involving these angle relationships, as well as references to triangles and their angle sums.









1. Katy napremianlegte
zad 7.33
Suma miar kątów w

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Dwie Proste Równoległe Przecięte Trzecią Prostą (Two Parallel Lines Intersected by a Third Line)

This page covers fundamental concepts in geometry related to angles formed when two parallel lines are intersected by a transversal. The main focus is on kąty naprzemianległe (alternate angles) and kąty odpowiadające (corresponding angles).

Kąty Naprzemianległe (Alternate Angles)

The first section introduces the concept of alternate angles.

Definition: Kąty naprzemianległe are pairs of angles formed when a transversal crosses two parallel lines. These angles are on alternate sides of the transversal and are equal in measure.

An example problem (labeled as zad 7.33) is presented, demonstrating calculations involving alternate angles.

Example: In one part of the problem, the equation x + 13 + 7 = 180° is given, illustrating the relationship between alternate angles and the sum of angles on a straight line.

Kąty Odpowiadające (Corresponding Angles)

The second section deals with corresponding angles.

Definition: Kąty odpowiadające are pairs of angles in corresponding positions when a transversal intersects two parallel lines. These angles are equal in measure.

Examples are provided to illustrate the concept:


  • ABC = 40°, ACB = 120°, CAB = 20°
  • CAB = 55°, ABC = 70°, ACB = 180° - 70° - 55° = 55°

These examples demonstrate how to calculate unknown angles using the properties of corresponding angles and the fact that angles in a triangle sum to 180°.

Highlight: The sum of angles in a triangle is explicitly stated as 180°, which is a crucial concept in solving these types of problems.

The page also includes various angle measurements and calculations, reinforcing the practical application of these geometric principles in problem-solving contexts.

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Knowunity jest aplikacją edukacyjną #1 w pięciu krajach europejskich

Knowunity zostało wyróżnione przez Apple i widnieje się na szczycie listy w sklepie z aplikacjami w kategorii edukacja w takich krajach jak Polska, Niemcy, Włochy, Francje, Szwajcaria i Wielka Brytania. Dołącz do Knowunity już dziś i pomóż milionom uczniów na całym świecie.

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