Figury płaskie (2D Shapes)
This page covers essential formulas for figury na płaszczyźnie that are crucial for the egzamin ósmoklasisty matematyka. It includes area and perimeter formulas for various 2D shapes, which are fundamental wzory matematyczne szkoła podstawowa. The page also introduces basic 3D shape formulas and important rules for exponents and arithmetic operations.
Vocabulary: Figury płaskie - 2D shapes
Example: For a rectangle, Area (P) = ab, Perimeter (Obw) = 2a + 2b
Definition: Trapez (Trapezoid) - A quadrilateral with at least one pair of parallel sides
Highlight: The diagonal of a square (d) is calculated using the Pythagorean theorem: d = a√2
The page covers formulas for rectangles, squares, parallelograms, trapezoids, triangles, rhombuses, and kites. It also introduces basic volume and surface area formulas for prisms and pyramids. Additionally, it presents rules for exponents, including multiplication and division of powers with the same base.
Quote: "Rozdzielność mnożenia i dzielenia" (Distributive property of multiplication and division)
This comprehensive collection of wzory matematyczne egzamin ósmoklasisty do druku is essential for students preparing for the egzamin ósmoklasisty 2024. It provides a solid foundation for solving geometry problems and working with algebraic expressions.