


Jak wyznaczyć współrzędne i równania symetralnych odcinków oraz równania okręgu dla dzieci




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Kacper Górny



Geometria analityczna

Jak wyznaczyć współrzędne i równania symetralnych odcinków oraz równania okręgu dla dzieci

Vector operations and geometric equations are fundamental concepts in mathematics. This guide covers współrzędne wektora (vector coordinates), długość wektora wzór (vector length formula), and equations for lines and circles in a coordinate system. Key topics include calculating vector coordinates, finding midpoints, determining slopes, and deriving equations for perpendicular and parallel lines, as well as circles.

• Vector coordinates and length formulas are essential for geometric calculations
• Midpoint and slope formulas help analyze line relationships
• Equations for parallel and perpendicular lines have specific conditions
• Circle equations can be expressed in canonical and general forms
• Symmetry line equations require specific steps to derive




|AB| = √(<g-KA)*+ (Y» - )*'*
SAB = (Katke, Y


Symmetry Line and Circle Equations

This page focuses on deriving the equation of a symmetry line for a line segment and introduces circle equations in a coordinate system.

To find the equation of a symmetry line for a line segment, follow these steps:

  1. Determine the midpoint of the segment
  2. Calculate the slope of the original segment
  3. Find the slope of the symmetry line
  4. Use the midpoint and slope to derive the symmetry line equation

Vocabulary: The symetralna odcinka (symmetry line of a segment) is a perpendicular line that passes through the midpoint of the segment.

The page presents two important principles:

  1. Parallelism Principle: k || L ⇔ A₁B₂ - A₂B₁ = 0
  2. Perpendicularity Principle: k ⊥ L ⇔ A₁A₂ + B₁B₂ = 0

These principles are crucial for analyzing relationships between lines in a coordinate system.

Definition: The równanie okręgu (circle equation) is presented in two forms:

  1. Canonical form: (x - a)² + (y - b)² = r²
  2. General form: x² + y² - 2ax - 2by + c = 0

Highlight: The radius of a circle can be calculated using the formula r² = a² + b² - c, where r > 0.

The page concludes with a system of equations representing two lines: L₁: A₁x + B₁y + C₁ = 0 L₂: A₂x + B₂y + C₂ = 0

This system is useful for finding intersection points of lines and solving various geometric problems in the coordinate system.

|AB| = √(<g-KA)*+ (Y» - )*'*
SAB = (Katke, Y


Vector Coordinates and Line Equations

This page introduces fundamental concepts related to współrzędne wektora (vector coordinates) and line equations in a coordinate system.

The formula for vector coordinates is presented as AB = [x₂ - x₁, y₂ - y₁]. This allows for calculating the horizontal and vertical components of a vector between two points.

Definition: The długość wektora wzór (vector length formula) is given by |AB| = √((x₂ - x₁)² + (y₂ - y₁)²), which calculates the straight-line distance between two points.

For finding the midpoint of a line segment, the formula (x₁ + x₂)/2, (y₁ + y₂)/2 is provided. This is useful for various geometric calculations.

The page also covers the slope formula, expressed as a = (y₂ - y₁)/(x₂ - x₁) = tan α. This is crucial for understanding the inclination of lines in the coordinate system.

Example: For parallel lines, y = a₁x + b₁ || y = a₂x + b₂, the condition a₁ = a₂ must be satisfied.

Highlight: Perpendicular lines have a special relationship between their slopes: a₁a₂ = -1 (or a₂ = -1/a₁).

The page concludes with examples of perpendicular lines, such as y = √3x + 3 ⊥ y = -2x - 6 and y = -7x + 1 ⊥ y = 1/7x - √3, demonstrating the application of the perpendicularity condition.

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Jak wyznaczyć współrzędne i równania symetralnych odcinków oraz równania okręgu dla dzieci

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Kacper Górny



29 Obserwujących


Vector operations and geometric equations are fundamental concepts in mathematics. This guide covers współrzędne wektora (vector coordinates), długość wektora wzór (vector length formula), and equations for lines and circles in a coordinate system. Key topics include calculating vector coordinates, finding midpoints, determining slopes, and deriving equations for perpendicular and parallel lines, as well as circles.

• Vector coordinates and length formulas are essential for geometric calculations
• Midpoint and slope formulas help analyze line relationships
• Equations for parallel and perpendicular lines have specific conditions
• Circle equations can be expressed in canonical and general forms
• Symmetry line equations require specific steps to derive









|AB| = √(<g-KA)*+ (Y» - )*'*
SAB = (Katke, Y

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Symmetry Line and Circle Equations

This page focuses on deriving the equation of a symmetry line for a line segment and introduces circle equations in a coordinate system.

To find the equation of a symmetry line for a line segment, follow these steps:

  1. Determine the midpoint of the segment
  2. Calculate the slope of the original segment
  3. Find the slope of the symmetry line
  4. Use the midpoint and slope to derive the symmetry line equation

Vocabulary: The symetralna odcinka (symmetry line of a segment) is a perpendicular line that passes through the midpoint of the segment.

The page presents two important principles:

  1. Parallelism Principle: k || L ⇔ A₁B₂ - A₂B₁ = 0
  2. Perpendicularity Principle: k ⊥ L ⇔ A₁A₂ + B₁B₂ = 0

These principles are crucial for analyzing relationships between lines in a coordinate system.

Definition: The równanie okręgu (circle equation) is presented in two forms:

  1. Canonical form: (x - a)² + (y - b)² = r²
  2. General form: x² + y² - 2ax - 2by + c = 0

Highlight: The radius of a circle can be calculated using the formula r² = a² + b² - c, where r > 0.

The page concludes with a system of equations representing two lines: L₁: A₁x + B₁y + C₁ = 0 L₂: A₂x + B₂y + C₂ = 0

This system is useful for finding intersection points of lines and solving various geometric problems in the coordinate system.

|AB| = √(<g-KA)*+ (Y» - )*'*
SAB = (Katke, Y

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Rejestrując się akceptujesz Warunki korzystania z usługi i Politykę prywatności.

Vector Coordinates and Line Equations

This page introduces fundamental concepts related to współrzędne wektora (vector coordinates) and line equations in a coordinate system.

The formula for vector coordinates is presented as AB = [x₂ - x₁, y₂ - y₁]. This allows for calculating the horizontal and vertical components of a vector between two points.

Definition: The długość wektora wzór (vector length formula) is given by |AB| = √((x₂ - x₁)² + (y₂ - y₁)²), which calculates the straight-line distance between two points.

For finding the midpoint of a line segment, the formula (x₁ + x₂)/2, (y₁ + y₂)/2 is provided. This is useful for various geometric calculations.

The page also covers the slope formula, expressed as a = (y₂ - y₁)/(x₂ - x₁) = tan α. This is crucial for understanding the inclination of lines in the coordinate system.

Example: For parallel lines, y = a₁x + b₁ || y = a₂x + b₂, the condition a₁ = a₂ must be satisfied.

Highlight: Perpendicular lines have a special relationship between their slopes: a₁a₂ = -1 (or a₂ = -1/a₁).

The page concludes with examples of perpendicular lines, such as y = √3x + 3 ⊥ y = -2x - 6 and y = -7x + 1 ⊥ y = 1/7x - √3, demonstrating the application of the perpendicularity condition.

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